Thursday, July 25, 2013


1. Which is the longest platform in India?
A. Kolkata             B. Mumbai             C. Sonepur             D. Kharagpur
2. The Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf are connected by the:
A. Palk Strait                          B. Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
C. Hormuz Strait                   D. Strait of Messina
3. Which is the highest building in the world?
A. Empire Building (New York, USA)                     B. Eiffel Tower (Pairs, France)
C. Sears Tower (Chicago, USA)                              D. Burj Khalifa (U.A.E)
4. New York is situated on the river:
A. Hudson              B. Seine             C. Danube                 D. Thames
5. The brightest planet is:
A. Saturn                B. Venus                C. Uranus                D. Neptune
6. The largest city founded on the river Ravi is:
A. Luncknow               B. Baghdad                C. Rome               D. Lahore
7. Most populous city of the world is:
A. New York                B. Paris              C. London              D. Tokyo
8. The earth’s rotation does not cause:
A. Tides               B. Phases of the moon               C. Deflection of ocean currents
D. Difference in time between two meridians
9. The difference between Indian Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time is:
A. 5 1/2 hours              B. 4 1/2 hours            C. 5 hours                D. 6 hours
10. The smallest planet is :
A. Venus                B. Pluto                C. Uranus                D. Mercury
11. In India the Standard Time is fixed on the basis of standard meridian which passes
A. Dwaraka                 B. Puri              C. Kovalam             D. Allahabad
12. Biggest planet is:
A. Mercury               B. Pluto               C. Jupiter             D. Venus
13. The planet nearest to Sun is:
A. Venus              B. Mars               C. Mercury             D. Saturn
14. The largest city (population) in India is:
A. Delhi               B. Kolkata                C. Mumbai                D. Chennai
15. The Sun is:
A. A solid body                                            B. A mass of hot-gases
C. Made of rock and metal                       D. None of these
16. World’s largest producer of Iron Ore is:
A. China              B. Russia                C. U.K.              D. France
17. Which country in the world is having the highest production of wheat?
A. China               B. Russia              C. Canada                  D. Australia
18. World’s largest producer of Plastic Goods is:
A. England                     B. U.S.A                 C. India                D. Pakistan
19. Which country in the world has the largest production of wool?
A. Australia                 B. New Zealand               C. South Africa              D. U.S.A.
20. Which is the largest ocean?
A. Atlantic Ocean                B. Pacific Ocean               C. Indian Ocean             D. Arctic Ocean
21. Which is the country in the world having the largest production of coal?
A. U.S.A.                  B. Canada                C. Germany              D. Russia
22. Which continent lies to the east of Europe?
A. Africa                 B. North America                 C. Asia               D. South America
23. The world’s largest desert is:
A. Sahara (North Africa)                                    B. Libyan (North Africa)
C. Gobi (Asia)                                                      D. Thar (Rajasthan, India)
24. What is the rank of Africa in size among continents?
A. First                       B. Second                 C. Third                D. Fourth
25. Which country is having the largest production of cotton in the world?
A. China                   B. Russia                     C. Arab countries                  D. India
26. World’s biggest museum is situated in:
A. Rome                     B. Mumbai                  C. New York                      D. Singapore
27. The world’s largest continent in area is:
A. Asia                    B. North America                   C. Africa                 D. None of these
28. World’s longest river is in:
A. Asia                 B. Africa                C. Europe                D. U.S.A
29. How much time earth take to revolve round the Sun?
A. 365 days                B. 365 1/4 days               C. 365 1/2 days              D. 365 3/4 days
30. The biggest auditorium is in:
A. Brazil                   B. Atlantic City               C. New York             D. Japan
31. The highest waterfall is:
A. Kerepakupai Meru                             B. Ribbon
C. King George                                        D. Jog Falls
32. Which of the following is the smallest country (area-wise) in the world?
A. Monaco                   B. Vatican City               C. Malta               D. Nauru
33. On which river is Lucknow situated?
A. Ganga                  B. Jamuna                   C. Mahanadi                  D. Gomti
34. The largest delta is:
A. Himalayas                B. Sunderbans                  C. Amazon                 D. Everest
35. The change of season is due to:
A. Revolution of the earth round its axis                         B. Revolution of the earth round the sun
C. Revolution of the moon round the earth                   D. None of these
36. Central Building Research Institute is located at:
A. Roorkee                B. Chennai               C. Bhavnagar                  D. Ranchi
37. When it is nine O’clock in London, it will be the same time in?
A. Norway               B. Latvia                 C. Ghana                D. Babon
38. Rainbow, an arch in the sky, usually seen after rain, is the result of:
A. Reflection and refraction                         B. Refraction of light only
C. Reflection of light only
D. Dispersion, refraction and total internal reflection
39. Which State in India is the biggest in population?
A. Uttar Pradesh               B. Madhya Pradesh                C. Maharashtra                 D. None of these
40. Which is the longest railway tunnel in the world?
A. Jawahar (Kashmir, India)                         B. Simpson (Switzerland)
C. Appenine (Italy)                                        D. Godhard (Switzerland)
41. Moscow is situated on the bank of:
A. Tagus                    B. Spree                 C. Tigris              D. Moskva
42. Equinox means:
A. The longest day of the year                       B. The longest night of the year
C. The two periods of the year when day and night are equal
D. The coldest day of the year
43. Which of the following States has the largest proportion of area under forests?
A. Madhya Pradesh                        B. Karnataka
C. Maharashtra                               D. None of these
44. In which Indian State is Sandal wood grown?
A. Tamil Nadu                 B. Maharashtra                C. Karnataka                    D. None of these
45. The Planet that lies nearest to Earth orbit of solar system is:
A. Mars                B. Venus             C. Mercury               D. Neptune
46. Which of the following occur more frequently than the other three in the Indian Ocean?
A. Tornadoes                 B. Typhoons               C. Cyclones                 D. Hurricanes
47. The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:
A. West Bengal               B. Rajasthan                C. Orissa                 D. Madhya Pradesh
48. The major Rabi crop in India is:
A. Wheat                     B. Rice              C. Cotton                D. Jute
49. World’s largest population is in:
A. Australia                 B. Asia                C. North America                  D. U.S.A.
50. Which country in the world is having the largest production of Aluminium?
A. Australia                  B. Canada                C. France                   D. U.K.
51. Blue Mountains are:
A. The Himalayas                        B. Mount Everest                C. The Andes                   D. Nilgiri
52. ‘Brazil’ is famous for:
A. Tea                  B. Coffee                C. Paper               D. Gold
53. Gateway of India is in:
A. Delhi                     B. Mumbai                    C. Kolkata                      D. Agra
54. Which is the country in the world having the largest production of Gold?
A. China                  B. U.S.A                      C. France                 D. India
55. City of Seven Hills is:
A. Rome                B. New York                 C. Paris                  D. England
56. Land of the Midnights Sun is:
A. New York               B. Norway                C. Korea                 D. Rome
57. The ‘Ocean of Storms’ is the name given to.
A. Atlantic Ocean                B. Pacific Ocean                C. A waterless area of moon’s surface                       D.None of these
58. Which of the following is known as the morning star?
A. Mars                   B. Venus              C. Jupiter                D. None of these
59. An example of a mineral occurring as layers in Sedimentary rocks is:
A. Gold                B. Lead                 C. Lignite             D. Tin
60. Which country is called the playground of Europe?
A. France            B. England              C. Holand                 D. Switzerland
61. An example of primary occupation is:
A. Trade                 B. Weaving                  C. Mining                D. Manufacturing
62. Rocks formed by the solidification of Magma are called:
A. Igneous rocks            B. Metamorphic rocks             C. Sedimentary rocks                  D. None of these
63. The International Date Line passes through:
A. The Pacific Ocean                 B. The Indian Ocean
C. Florida Strait                         D. Bering Strait
64. Rock salt deposits in India are located in:
A. Uttar Pradesh                                    B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Himachal Pradesh                             D. Arunachal Pradesh
65. The soils formed by deposition of river sediments are called soils:
A. Alluvial               B. Regur                   C. Brown               D. Laterite
66. The clouds which are like a dark-grey sheet extending from one side of horizon to other and have a uniform base are called:
A. Nimbus Clouds                B. Stratus Clouds                C. Cumulus Clouds                 D. Cirrus Clouds
67. The visible yellow face of Sun is called:
A. Ionosphere                B. Stratosphere               C. Corona               D. Photosphere
68. An arm-chair shaped hollow which is enlarged and deepened by a glacier is called:
A. Delta                B. Piedmont               C. Terminal moraine              D. None of these
69. The atmosphere layer closest to earth is called:
A. Stratosphere                    B. Troposphere                   C. Photosphere                 D. Exosphere
70. A line drawn on a map joining places receiving equal amount of rainfall is called:
A. Isohyets                  B. Isotherms                 C. Isobars               D. None of these
71. The Cyclone represents a position of atmosphere in which:
A. Low pressure in the Centre and high pressure around
B. There is high pressure in the Centre and low pressure around
C. There is low pressure all around
D. None of these
72. If there is no Sun, the colour of the sky would be:
A. Blue            B. Yellow            C. Orange             D. None of these
73. The north end of the axis is called:
A. North pole            B. South pole               C. Grid north               D. None of these
74. the largest producer of Mica?
A. Bihar               B. West Bengal               C. Orissa              D. Andhra Pradesh
75. How does the soil moisture help?
A. In chemical and biological changes                 B. In keeping earth soft
C. In keeping earth particles intact                      D. None of these
76. The colour of red soil is red because it contains:
A. Nitrogen                  B. Potash                C. Iron              D. Humus
77. The horizontal movement of the air is called:
A. Tides                B. Cyclone                C. Wind                D. Typhone
78. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in:
A. 24 hrs                                                    B. 23 hrs and 30 minutes
C. 23 hrs and 56 minutes                       D. None of these
79. Which of these is not a planet of the Sun?
A. Moon                 B. Neptune                   C. Mercury                 D. Venus
80. The Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea or lake in the world, is in the continent of:
A. Africa                                    B. Asia Europe
D. Between Asia and Europe
81. Hot springs of Volcanic origin and actions are known as:
A. Geysers              B. Volcanoes                C. Glaciers                D. None of these
82. On December 22, the Sun is vertical over:
A. Tropic of Cancer                                B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. The Equator                                        D. None of these
83. Marble is:
A. Igneous rock             B. Sedimentary rock              C. Metamorphic rock              D. None of these
84. The diameter of the earth is:
A. 6,400 km              B. 12,756 km                   C. 25,000 km                D. 40,000 km
85. A stretch of land surrounded by water on three sides is known as:
A. Strait                  B. Delta               C. Peninsula                D. None of these
86. A strata of land surrounded by water on all sides is known as a/an:
A. Strait                  B. Continent                  C. Island              D. Peninsula
87. A huge mass of ice and snow moving down the valley and slopes of mountains till it melts after passing the snow line is called a/an:
A. Avalanche              B. Iceberg            C. Glacier              D. Typhoon
88. The 66½° north circle is also known as:
A. Tropic of Cancer                      B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. Zenith                                       D. Arctic circle
89. Humidity refers to:
A. Latent heat                                               B. Brackishness of water
C. Water vapours in air                              D. Hydroscopic nuclei in the atmosphere
90. ...... is used to keep the correct Greenwich Mean Time:
A. Barometer                                              B. Chronometer
C. Clinometer                                              D. Bruntun’s Compass
91. most commonly found in the earth’s crust:
A. Oxygen              B. Silicon              C. Hydrogen              D. Aluminium
92. Earthquake waves are recorded on a:
A. Barograph                 B. Hydrograph                 C. Seismograph                  D. Pantograph
93. Monsoon climate is caused by:
A. High temperature                                      B. Low temperature
C. Temperature variations                            D. Seasonal reversal of winds
94. The small bodies between the orbits of Mars and Juptier are:
A. Asteroids                  B. Superior planets                   C. Satellites                 D. Comets
95. The atmospheric layer which reflects radio waves is called:
A. Exosphere                  B. Stratosphere                     C. Troposphere                    D. Ionosphere
96. The place of origin of earthquake is called:
A. Epicentre               B. Focus                 C. Seismic Zone                 D. None of these
97. India receives most of her rains from:
A. The North-east monsoon                               B. The retreating South-west monsoon
C. The South-west monsoon                              D. Tropical cyclones
98. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is greatest during:
A. Winter Solstice              B. Summer Solstice                  C. Perihelion              D. Aphelion
99. Condensation occurs:
A. When the air is saturated                           B. When the moisture content is high
C. When the air is cold                                      D. None of these
100. Humidity in the air is measured by a/an.
A. Hydrometer             B. Hygrometer              C. Opisometer               D. Barometer
1. D              2. C             3. D            4. A             5. B            6. D            7. D              8. D
9. A            10. D           11. D          12. C           13. C           14. C         15. B            16. A
17. A         18. A           19. A           20. B            21. A          22. C         23. A            24. B
25. A         26. C            27. A          28. B           29. B            30. B         31. A          32. B
33. D        34. B            35. B           36. A           37. C            38. D          39. A        40. D
41. D       42. C             43. A           44. C           45. A            46. C          47. C         48. A
49. B       50. A           51. D             52. B          53. B             54. A           55. A         56. B
57. C       58. B           59. C             60. D           61. C             62. A         63. D          64. C
65. A      66. A           67. D             68. C            69. B             70. A         71. A         72. D
73. A      74. A          75. A              76. C            77. C            78. C         79. A          80. D
81. A     82. B           83. C             84. B            85. C              86. C         87. C         88. D
89. C     90. B          91. A             92. C             93. D              94. A         95. D        96. A
97. C        98. D        99. C        100. B

Monday, July 22, 2013


                                       CONSTITUTION - NO.1

1. Which one of the following rights is vital for the successful working democracy?
A. Right to property                       B. Right to association
C. Right to assemble                      D. Right to criticise

2. In the Committees of Indian Parliament which has the largest membership?
A. The Public Accounts Committee                B. The Committee on Public undertakings
C. Committee on rules                                     D. Estimates Committee

3. Who can declare a law as null and void?
A. Sessions Court              B. High Court             C. Supreme Court              D. None of these

4. Panchayat Raj scheme was first introduced in
A. Rajasthan             B. West Bengal             C. Madhya Pradesh           D. Tamil Nadu

5. The candidate contesting for the Lok Sabha should not be less than
A. 21 years               B. 18 years                    C. 22 years                         D. 25 years

6. The method amendment of the Indian constitution has been borrowed from the
A. Constitution of USA                       B. Constitution of England
C. Constitution of USSR                     D. Constitution of South Africa

7. The grant of universal adult franchies creates
A. social equality                                  B. legal equality
C. economic equality                            D. political equality

8. The Vice-President of India holds office
A. during the pleasure of the president           B. for a term of 5 years
C. for a term of 4 years                                   D. during the pleasure of the Prime Minister

9. The system of dual citizenship exists in
A. USA                  B. France              C. India              D. U.K.

10. Who has to approve state legislation?
A. The President                        B. The Union Government
C. The Parliament                      D. The Governor

11. India’s one rupee note bears the signature of
A. The President                        B. The Governor of RBI
C. The Prime Minister               D. The Finance Secretary

12. The Indian federation can be converted into unitary one
A. at the time of general election          B. by two-thirds majority of the Parliament
C. during national emergency               D. by the order of the President

13. The Prime Minister of India is
A. elected by the Lok sabha
B. elected by the two houses of Parliament at a joint sitting
C. appointed by the President
D. elected by the Lok Sabha and appointed by the President

14. India is a
A. Democratic form of Government
B. Monarchy form of Government
C. Democratic and Republic form of Government
D. None of these

15. Indian constitution is
A. an original constiution                            B. a bag of borrowings
C. not a copy of other constitution              D. none of these

16. Who hoists the flag on Independence Day at Delhi Fort?
A. President              B. Vice-President              C. Prime Minister              D. Chief Justice

17. To whom are the Ministers individually responsible?
A. The President              B. The Prime Minister              C. The Lok Sabha          D. The people

18. In India, the President enjoys
A. all the power                         B. only nominal powers
C. less power                             D. more powers than the Prime Minister

19. Policies are implemented by
A. parliament                B. judiciary              C. Executive                D. none of these

20. How much time did it take to make the Indian Constitution?
A. 2 years 10 months and 18 days                       B. 2 years 11 months and 18 days
C. 2 years 6 months and 18 days                         D. 2 years 2 months and 10 days

21. The union council of Ministers is the
A. real executive of the country
B. nominal executive of the country
C. neither nominal nor real executive of the country
D. none of these

22. A bureaucrat can exercise his political liberty by
A. exercising his franchise                  B. publicly criticizing the government
C. contesting in the election                D. joining in any political party

23. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian constitution?
A. Dr. Ambedkar                      B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
C. Sardar Patel                          D. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

24. If the Auditor-General wants to resign he addresses his letter of resignation to
A. The President                                  B. The Prime Minister
C. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha        D. None of these

25. The basic purpose of Panchayat Raj is
A. to give posts for party members
B. democratic decentralisation
C. to collect taxes directly
D. to give employment to local people

26. Constitutionally members of the councils of Ministers hold office
A. during the pleasure of the President           B. during the pleasure of the Speaker
C. during the pleasure of the Parliament         D. during the pleasure of the Prime Minister

27. In India, rule of law means
A. Government officials have a different law
B. Politicians are beyond the scope of law
C. Prime minister is above law
D. All are equal before the law

28. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is
A. elected by the members of Lok Sabha from amongst themselves
B. elected by the members of Lok Sabha from outside the house
C. nominated by the President in consultation with the Prime Minister
D. appointed by the Prime Minister in consultation with the leaders of opposition parties

29. What is the tenure of a member of Rajya sabha?
A. 5 years            B. 3 years          C. 4 years         D. 6 years

30. The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of
A. Planning Commission                B. Rajya Sabha
C. Finance Commission                  D. Parliamentary affairs

31. Sikkim was merged with Indian union in the year
A. 1975             B. 1980             C. 1950          D. 1976

32. The salaries of the judges of the Supreme court are drawn from
A. Provision made by the Law Minister              B. Parliamentary - grant
C. Consolidated fund of India                              D. Home Ministry grant

33. The resignation letter of the Vice-President shall be addressed to the
A. President                                      B. Council of Ministers
C. Prime Minister                             D. Chief election commissioner

34. How many schedules are there in the Indian constitution?
A. ten                     B. nine                   C. Twelve                  D. fifteen

35. Who is the head of State Government?
A. The Governor                                  B. The Prime Minister
C. The Chief Minister                          D. None of these

36. The judge of a High court is appointed by
A. The Prime Minister              B. The President
C. The Governor                       D. The Chief Justice

37. In Indian Parliamentary Government
A. the ministers are not the members of the Parliament.
B. the ministers are the members of Lok sabha only
C. the ministers are the members of the Parliament
D. the ministers are the members of Rajya sabha only

38. Who is legally competent to declare war?
A. The President                        B. The Prime Minister
C. The Parliament                      D. The Lok Sabha

39. Which one of the following qualifications of the judges of the Supreme Court has been
wrongly Listed?
A. He must be a citizen of India
B. He has been an advocates of a High court for atleast ten years
C. He has been a judge of a High court for atleast five years
D. He has worked as Comptroller & Auditor General of India for atleast three years

40. Emergency due to failure of constitutional machinery of a state can be declared by the
President under
A. Article 356               B. Article 352              C. Article 350              D. Article 360
41. What is the time limit set by the constitution for the President to declare his assent to a
A. fourteen days             B. one month                 C. three months             D. No time limit

42. Money bill can be introduced
A. only in the Lok Sabha                                 B. only in the Rajya Sabha
C. both in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha           D. None of these

43. The Union Public Service Commission submits an annual report of its work to
A. The President                  B. The Cabinet Secretariat
C. The Home Minister         D. The Parliament

44. How many regional languages are recognised by the constitution at present?
A. 18             B. 16            C. 15          D. 22

45. The term ‘Fourth Estate’ is connected with
A. judiciary            B. press           C. police              D. landlords

46. Which is NOT a state subject?
A. Banking            B. Local Government             C. Law & order            D. Water supply

47. The Chairman of the public accounts committee ‘is appointed by the
A. President             B. Speaker         C. Prime Minister
D. Comptroller and Auditor General of India

48. Who was the Deputy Prime Minister when Morarji Desai was the Prime Minister?
A. Jag Jeevan Ram             B. Y.B.Charan               C. H.N.Bahuguna           D. Raj Narain

49. The lowest unit in the Panchayat Raj institution is
A. Village Panchayat              B. Panchayat samiti            C. Zilla parishad     D. Corporation

50. Article 356 enables the President
A. to make any state to come under his rule              B. to dissolve the Lok Sabha
C. to dismiss any Union Minister                              D. to dismiss the Chief Justice of India

51. The constitution assembly was set up in
A. 1946              B. 1947                  C. 1948               D. 1950

52. Abraham Lincoln is known for
A. Land reforms
B. External policies
C. Abolition of slavery
D. Independence movement

53. Which one of the following articles of the constitution of India directs state Government
to organise village panchayats?
A. Article 32            B. Article 40               C. Article 48            D. Article 51

54. Preventive detention beyond three months requires authorisation from
A. The Chief Justice of High Court
B. Advocate General
C. Attorney General
D. An Advisory Board

55. The Secretary General of the house of the people is answerable only to the
A. Speaker                   B. Prime Minister                C. Cabinet                D. Chief Secretary

56. Panchayat samiti exists at
A. Village level             B. block level            C. zilla level             D. all these levels

57. The maximum strength of the nominated members in both the houses of Parliament
can be
A. 10              B. 12        C. 14          D. 20

58. India’s foreign policy is based on
A. Eastern block         B. Western block           C. Non-alignment             D. None of these

59. Who summons the state legislation?
A. The Chief Minister                   B. The Governor
C. The President                            D. The Speaker

60. On what grounds can a judge be removed?
A. insolvency misdemeanour                     B. insanity
C. incapacity                                               D. All the above

61. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is
A. The President                            B. The Vice-President
C. The Prime Minister                   D. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha

62. Who conceived the concept of Gram Swaraj?
A. Jaya Prakash Narain                           B. Acharya Vinoba Bhave
C. Mahatma Gandhi                                D. Swami Dayanand

63. Appointments to All-India service are made by
A. The Prime Minister
B. The President
C. The Governor
D. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha

64. Who regulates the right of citizenship by law?
A. The Supreme court
B. The Parliament
C. The Cabinet
D. The President

65. The concept of judicial review was borrowed from
A. U.S.A                  B. Britain               C. France             D. Ireland

66. Who determines the term of office of a Governor?
A. President            B. Prime Minister            C. Chief Minister              D. Constitution

67. The total number of Legislative states in India are
A. 35              B. 20             C. 14          D. 28

68. The law member was made a full member of Executive council of the Governor General
as per the charter act of
A. 1813             B. 1873          C. 1853          D. 1793
69. Indian constitution is
A. purely federal
B. purely unitary
C. federal with unitary bias
D. unitary with federal bias

70. The Rajya Sabha member must have completed the age of
A. 21 years           B. 25 years           C. 30 years          D. 35 years

71. Maximum number of seats in the Rajya Sabha is in
A. Andhra Pradesh           B. Bihar                 C. Uttar Pradesh             D. West Bengal

72. In the Parliamentary Government of India
A. the ministers have a fixed tenure
B. the ministers cannot be removed by vote of no confidence
C. the ministers can be removed by vote of no confidence
D. the ministers are answerable to the president only

73. Which amendment is called as mini constitution?
A. 42nd               B. 43rd             C. 52nd              D. 39th

74. To whom are mercy petitions addressed?
A. The Governor                                        B. The President
C. The Supreme Court Chief Justice         D. The Prime Minister

75. Tribal areas are specified in the
A. 6th schedule            B. 8th schedule          C. 9th schedule            D. 1st schedule`

76. The legislature in India is based on the pattern of
A. Britain                B. America             C. France            D. Germany

77. The Rajya Sabha does not enjoy equal powers with Lok Sabha with regard to
A. the election of the Speaker
B. the election of the Vice - President
C. the impeachment of the President
D. the election of the President

78. Match the correct features of the constitution with the country from which they have
been borrowed.
A. Rule of law - USA
B. Judicial review - Australia
C. Idea of concurrent subjects - England
D. Directive principles of state policy - Ireland

79. The Parliamentary form of Government in India has been borrowed from the
A. American Constitution
B. British Constitution
C. Russian Constitution
D. Swiss Constitution

80. Diet is the Parliament of
A. U.K.             B. Japan          C. France             D. U.S.A

81. Finance commissions are constituted by the President
A. to recommended the basis for the distribution of proceeds of taxes between the union
and the states
B. to recommended the basis of which should govern the grants-in-aid for the states
C. to prepare the annual financial statement
D. both (A) and (B) are correct

82. Who was the first law officer of the Government of India?
A. The Law Minister                                B. The Chief Justice of the Supreme court
C. The Attorney General of India            D. None of these

83. The controversial article in the Indian constitution is
A. Article 356          B. Article 368           C. Article 370        D. Article 352

84. The speaker can be removed from his office before the expiry of his term
A. by the President on the recommendation of Prime Minister
B. if the house passes a resolution to the effect
C. if the house and the Prime Minister so decide
D. If both the houses of Parliament pass resolution to this effect.

85. Where the disputes regarding the election of the President of India settled?
A. in the Parliament
B. in the Lok Sabha
C. in the Rajya Sabha
D. in the Supreme Court

86. The permanent seat of Supreme court is at
A. Mumbai             B. Kolkata             C. Delhi            D. Kanpur

87. In India the election commission works under
A. Ministry of law
B. Prime Minister’s Secretariat
C. It is an autonomous boy
D. Ministry of Home Affairs

88. The Governor has no power to
A. prorogue the assembly
B. dissolve the assembly
C. adjourn the assembly
D. summon the assembly

89. The President of India must have completed the age of
A. 25 years             B. 35 years              C. 30 years           D. 58 years

90. Who chooses the Speaker?
A. The Lok Sabha
B. The President
C. The Prime Minister
D. To opposition parties in Lok Sabha

91. Which one of the following amendments added the fundamental duties in the constitution
of India?
A. 42nd Amendment
B. 44th Amendment
C. 48th Amendment
D. 49th Amendment

92. Which of the following articles of the Constitution of India creates the office of the
Comptroller and Auditor - General?
A. Article 143        B. Article 147           C. Article 148             D. Article 201

93. Balwan Rai Mehta Committee was set up in the year
A. 1950             B. 1952           C. 1955           D. 1958

94. The Speaker of the Lok sabha is
A. nominated by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
B. nominated by the Prime Minister
C. elected by the members of Lok sabha
D. nominated by the ex-speaker of Lok sabha

95. The President can be removed from his office through impeachment by the
A. Lok Sabha
B. Supreme Court of India
C. Two houses of Parliament
D. Council of Ministers

96. The member of the Rajya sabha are elected by the
A. people           B. state assemblies             C. local bodies          D. lok sabha

97. The portfolios are assigned to the ministers by
A. The Prime Minister
B. The Chief Justice of India
C. The Speaker
D. The Vice-President

98. Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution is related to the protection of the
interest of minorities?
A. Article 256 B. Article 29 C. Article 370 D. Article 22

99. The normal term of a Governor’s office is
A. 3 years B. 5 years C. 6 years D. 4 years

100. The salaries of judges are paid out of
A. Contigency fund B. Amalgamated fund
C. Consolidated fund D. No special fund

1. D             2. D            3. C           4. A            5. D           6. D           7. D             8. B
9. A             10. D         11. B        12. C           13. D        14. C          15. B           16. C
17. C           18. B          19. A       20. B            21. A        22. A         23. A           24. A
25. B           26. C          27. D       28. A           29. D         30. B         31. A           32. C
33. A          34. C          35. A       36. D            37. C         38. A         39. D           40. A
41. D          42. A          43. A       44. D           45. B          46. A         47. B           48. A
49. A          50. A          51. A        52. C           53. B         54. A          55. A          56. A
57. C         58. C           59. B        60. D           61. B          62. C         63. B           64. B
65. A         66. A          67. D        68. C           69. A          70. C          71. C          72. C
73. A         74. B          75. A        76. A           77. A          78. D          79. B          80. B
81. D         82. C         83. A          84. B          85. D           86. C          87. C         88. C
89. B         90. A         91. A          92. C          93. C           94. C         95. C          96. B
97. A         98. B        99. B           100. C